Stop Waking The Dead: The True Key to A Global Energy Transition is to Stop Waking the Dead

Glory honoured the invitation of the German Federal Government and partners to participate in the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue and deliver a keynote address to the audience of 2000 in person and 17000 people streaming live. Read her speech below: Stop Waking the Dead Good afternoon, friends and colleagues in the journey towards sustainable energy. […]

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Realistic Energy Transition Strategy for a small Coal Town in America

This material below was developed by Glory Oguegbu as part of the requirement for the completion of the course – Meeting the Climate Challenge at All levels of Government at the Columbia University School of Professional and Public Affairs. Names are fictional. In this write up, she speaks as the mayor of a small coal town affected by climate change in America whose residents are clamouring for the closure of the coal plant and recommends a strategic energy transition plan that benefits the people and the planet.

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Deep Dive into USD 1.27 Trillion Climate Finance Dispersed in 2021/2022 | Who Gave and Who Received?

Examining the data in the graph above, it is evident that in 2021/2022, nearly $1.3 trillion (USD 1.27 TN) was allocated to climate projects, indicating a surge in climate finance. The data, sourced from the Climate Policy Institute’s report on the Climate Finance Landscape, reveals that a significant portion, about 71%, was directed towards climate […]

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