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About Me

Glory is an award-winning development entrepreneur specializing in the promotion of renewable energy and climate change advocacy for economic growth and development. She’s the founder of Glow Initiative for Economic Empowerment under which their environmental program – Climate Smart Nigeria champions Climate Change Education in Nigerian institutions and provide capacity building on renewable energy technologies. In 2019 she created the Renewable Energy Technology Training Institute (RETTI) which is improving economic development through the provision of access to clean electricity to benefit 93 million Nigerians without access by training and preparing new solar designers and installers to serve as competent workforce and entrepreneurs.



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She later founded the RETTI Virtual University, Africa’s first Learning Management system / online education platform for easy access and affordable renewable / solar energy education. She pioneered the Africa Fellowship for Young Energy Leaders and the Climate Leadership Fellowship to groom and mentor the next generation of African Energy leaders who will drive sustainable energy transition and promote Africa’s climate resilience. The Climate Leadership Fellowship formally launched during the UNFCCC COP 26 Glasgow UK  is created to train 2000 youth climate educators to teach and mentor 200000 students in 5 years through the Adopt a School project. Fellows are also trained to collect data as part of the climate soldier movement after which they implement the Climate Data Policy so that funds and opportunities can go to the people and areas most affected by climate change.

The 12 week program has collectively reached 170 fellows across Nigeria who trained 86000 students in over 165 schools across 165 communities within 26 states using the climate education toolkit resource and created green clubs. They’ve also generated climate data from 7000 respondents across 55 communities, proposing 15 climate solutions and impacting 25, 000 community members through the climate soldier movement. The Africa Fellowship for Young Energy Leaders (AFYEL) currently in its second cohort has invested into 110 young and mid career level professionals lecturers, engineers) from 20 African countries on the small, utility and a bit of large scale areas of 4 core renewable energy technologies; Hydropower, Onshore Wind, Solar Power, Bioenergy, focusing on three aspects/ engineering, economics and finance.

To further drive action for a sustainable environment, she created the Global Youth Coalition for Electric Vehicles to Galvanize youth to activate and drive action for the deployment of electric vehicles in their countries. Her work on climate change and renewable energy has earned her organisation a partnership with Nigeria giant financial institution – Access Bank PLC who has adopted and providing financial support  for tree of her programs – The Climate Leadership Fellowship, The Solar for School Community Project, The Solar Skills Empowerment Training Program which has collectively reached 86, 000 Nigerian students with climate information, provided electricity access to 4872 students from 5 offgrid schools and trained 300 local youths on solar engineering and entrepreneurship 25 percent of whom have started their own solar business.

Glory’s climate change activism began after coming across a campaign of World Wildlife Fund titled Evolution were a man was disfigured like a fish, after vowing to make a difference. Since then has been a big promoter of contextual climate change literature after coming across language like disappearing polar bears. She then created a climate education toolkit which includes contextualized climate information about Africa which was launched alongside the climate leadership fellowship at cop 26 glasgow. In 2015, Glory met President Obama through the Mandela Washington Fellowship, a flagship of President Barrack Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative, a recognition for her work promoting a safer and healthier world through climate literacy and the promotion of renewable energy as a sustainable electricity source.

In April of 2016, she was invited back to the United States sponsored by the US Government speaker travel grant to deliver a keynote speech alongside US Senator Chris Coons during the university of Delaware / Africa Energy Conference titled Climate Smart Nigeria. In April 2019, Glory was selected by the US Mission to the African Union as one of 15 African female business leaders to attend United States Government’s launch of the OPIC 2X Africa and meet with advisor to President of USA – Ms. Ivanka Trump and the Ethiopian President – Ms Sahle-Work Zewde. Later in 2019, she got a rare opportunity to be invited as a contributing author on the International Energy Agency’s – World energy Outlook special report – Africa Energy Outlook where she shared insights on Nigerias’s energy situation.

She co- authored the World Energy Outlook’s special Report – The 2019 Africa Energy Outlook, a publication of the International Energy Agency. She also co-authored an article that was published by the International Journal of Strategic Energy and Environmental Planning, Volume 2, issue 6, November 2020 titled – Empowering Nigerian Women through Solar PV Training and Installation. In the course of her work she has met with a number of high profile personalities and leaders including President Barack Obama, US Senator Chris Coons, Ms Ivanka Trump, Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware, Ethiopian President – Ms Sahle-Work Zewde.


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